This was a challenging last week, running-wise, after I tweaked my hamstring during last Saturday's long run.
Of course I sort of flipped out in my own head and panicked that I had messed up my hamstring. I took a couple days off and iced, and ran again on Wednesday. It didn't hurt, but I could feel something there... shoot.
I called a physical therapist, figuring I needed a conservative plan to get me to the race healthy. I was braced being to be told "don't run anymore" and do some kind of cross-training instead -- I was okay with that, as long as I had some kind of substitute plan to follow. I love plans.
However, the PT after asking lots of questions said, oh, you can still run (yay!). But instead of doing the 20-miler I should have done today, she said to just do 12 since I've already got one 20-miler under my belt, two weeks ago. Rats, so bummed to not do another 20-mile run. KIDDING.
So I now have daily stretches and exercises I have to do, and... tiger balm. OMG, why is this stuff not being mass-marketed. It is so awesome. It's $8.29 at Walgreen's. Rub it on a sore spot a few times a day and it purportedly warms up the tissues and increases blood circulation. My hamstring issue cleared right up within a day or so. It smells really strong, with a strong cloves smell that makes me want pumpkin pie. It rocks.
Here's four more things I've discovered this summer...

My sad, old hair seems to like It's a 10! Miracle Leave-in Plus Keratin,, $14.48. Spray this stuff on damp hair and hair does really dry smoother and maybe even a little shinier. Go ahead, touch my hair.

I also like Boots No7 Total Renewal Micro-Dermabrasion Exfoliator,, $15.79. I fantasize about getting chemical peels, facials and a little necklift now. Then I look inside my wallet, smack myself a little and hit Target. This little product is a great scrub/exfoliator on damp skin every few days.

Thanks to my running friend Shaun, I discovered Skinny Pop this summer. So good and scant calories. I'm not even going to write a description. Just get over to Walgreen's and grab some bags now before I do. I have no idea how much it costs. Nor do I care. YUM.

(Note: all things were personally purchased by me. No publicists, no freebies = pure reviews!)
I love reading "run like a momma" cause it's written just like Tammy is sitting there talking to me! Love it!