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After years of sloth, I am now a mama who runs and practices yoga. I write about exercise; parenting a grownup child as well as two little kids; and whatever is annoying me at the moment.

Friday, September 24, 2010

My friends running on the lakefront -- a warning and a congratulations

I've lived in the city for 14 years. I still look over my shoulder and hold my purse tightly, but I'm pretty comfortable, too. Other than a few stolen wallets and some break-ins to my house and garage (nothing taken ever, thank goodness) I've been pretty lucky.

I've also been pretty lucky while running. I run alone sometimes in the early morning in my 'hood and need to start hauling my phone with me, that's how comfortable I've gotten lately. I skip the iPod when running alone, figuring I'm just asking for it if I do wear one. I also run on the lakefront path twice a week, though always with friends. I've run past the Foster Avenue beach house a million times, and chilling stories like this one remind me to stick with my buddy system. A woman in the middle of the day had entered the beach house and was attacked by a guy who beat the crap out of her and tried to rape her -- fortunately someone discovered them and stopped him.

Be careful out there and stick with friends. If you run with an iPod, please keep it turned down low. We have a beautiful lakefront filled with lots of runners, bikers, walkers and rollerbladers, but there are also folks out there to worry about.

On another topic, a huge congrats to my marathon-bound friends for finishing their 20-mile run last weekend, the final "long" run before their 3-week taper ahead of the Chicago marathon on Oct. 10. I get so wistful this time of year, but since I've been pregnant, trying to get pregnant or newly post-partum the last few years, I've sat Chicago out since I did it in 2007. Our little girl is due next spring, so no marathons in 2011.

2012, baby.

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