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After years of sloth, I am now a mama who runs and practices yoga. I write about exercise; parenting a grownup child as well as two little kids; and whatever is annoying me at the moment.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Little toddler man's daddy gets religion on exercise

It's an old joke among wives and girlfriends, I think. If you want your husband or boyfriend to take better care of himself, have someone else tell him to do so, like his doctor. Because he's not going to listen to you, right? LOL.

My hub had gotten away from exercising and had a few extra pounds creep on. OK, maybe more than a few. What has worried me is that he hasn't felt good for awhile. With our little 18-month-old toddler man and now a baby on the way, I want so much for him to feel energetic again, and just good about himself, you know?

There's nothing like a doctor's visit sometimes to get that in motion. He went on Monday, apparently got the bejesus scared out of him, and has been active every day this week and has been carefully cooking yummy but healthy meals. I'm so proud of him! I'm also teasing him that he's going to get all lean and mean and buff just as I blow up into a large pregnant woman, heehee. But good for him.

The consensus after Week 1? I emailed him yesterday to say "How's your day?" My hub is always a smartass on questions like that and is likely to say something like, "Well, nobody has stabbed me in the eye today." His response was "I feel great". Kind of taken aback, I replied "Are you being sarcastic?" He said no, he hadn't felt so good in ages. Wow.

The moral of the story: I don't care how old you are or what your fitness level is, it is never, ever too late to make simple changes to your diet and daily exercise routine. And now that he's feeling good, I can tell him that I've signed up for another half marathon next month. *innocent whistle*

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