About Me

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After years of sloth, I am now a mama who runs and practices yoga. I write about exercise; parenting a grownup child as well as two little kids; and whatever is annoying me at the moment.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Well, now everyone has a blog, right?

Why should everyone else have all the fun? Hi, I'm Tammy. I'm slightly over 40, a communications professional by day, a freelance journalist when I get the chance, a mama to a high school senior and a toddler all the time, a wife to a pretty cool dude, and oh, yes, a runner. Sure, I wish I traveled more, saw more live music, and gosh, I remember fondly reading almost entire Sunday New York Times every week, even the 200-inch magazine articles, but hey, I love my life. Isn't that what counts? (P.S. Please don't grill me on health-care reform until I've had a chance to study a bit).

Like most moms I feel like I'm always on the run -- like yesterday, when my husband dropped me off at the train and left to take our little man to daycare, and I find myself still holding on to the diaper wipes that the daycare needs in my hands. D'oh! Did some running then, haha.

Looking forward to some quality time in the blogosphere. So far it's blissfully quiet.

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