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After years of sloth, I am now a mama who runs and practices yoga. I write about exercise; parenting a grownup child as well as two little kids; and whatever is annoying me at the moment.

Friday, August 15, 2014

My sweet Tory: Life has an Act II. And an Act III and IV...

This week I hit a work anniversary, which I discovered by the number of people congratulating me on LinkedIn. That LinkedIn, so thoughtful!

One former Sun-Times colleague, who has gone on to write books and do other fabulous things, sent a nice note congratulating me on my "second act", referring to our mutual departure for journalism for other pastures. (My "greener pasture" is communications/public relations. Insert smartass comment.

This same week, my oldest son, who is 21, had a pretty big setback. He found out he has to leave college because he doesn't have enough money. It's been a challenging year for him, personally and professionally.

You could not pay me to be 21 again.

He's bummed out, naturally. And moving back to his dad's.

I am filled with helpful suggestions, naturally. That's what moms do.

But what makes me a little sad is not that he's had this setback or that he won't bounce back. He is an incredibly kind, smart, wonderful guy. Always has been.

What makes me ache for him is that I'm not sure he sees that he's going to have a second act, a third act, and more. When you get knocked on your butt, hopefully you get back up and really take a look at the opportunities around you.

I know he'll find his way. But I really, really, really am trying to just be supportive and guiding, and not overbearing in telling him what to do.

I may have to sit on my hands and not touch my phone.

I have lost count how many "acts" I've had already.

50K ultramarathon training, week two (last week):

Monday -- 20 min yoga DVD
Tuesday -- 45-min spin class (rainy day, skipped run)
Wednesday -- 5.3 miles
Thursday -- 7.2 miles
Friday -- "group centergy" class (core, yoga, Pilates fusion)
Saturday -- 12.3 miles
Sunday -- 5.4 miles 
Total weekly mileage: 30.2

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