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After years of sloth, I am now a mama who runs and practices yoga. I write about exercise; parenting a grownup child as well as two little kids; and whatever is annoying me at the moment.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Potty time

Like lots of moms, I am pretty good at lots of things -- at work and at home.  Here is something that still stumps me: potty-training.

Little princess is doing great at sitting on the potty and sometimes even going. She is the prettiest little thing anyway, and when she is pleased with herself she just grins and glows, melting my heart. That's exactly what she does when she is able to go potty.

After a week or so of taking her to the potty (her daycare has also been taking her, too, which is awesome), I decided to take the plunge into undies. 

Good grief, little girl underwear is so much cuter than I remember. We have Dora the Explorer and some Disney princess-y ones. And my little sweetie-pie loves to put them on herself, which means shoving both of her pudgy little legs into one leg hole and then pitching a little hissy fit, sometimes, when Mommy attempts to right the situation. 

So I put her in undies yesterday after my morning run and we wound up with four potty accidents. Everytime I'd sit her down to go, she wouldn't go, though she was perfectly happy to read books to me in that endearing soft, little girl toddler babble of hers. Our timing was just off.

I tried again this morning for a few hours, but man, we were just off. Hubby put her in a pullup when I went to yoga. She's still in one. 

I have friends who do potty bootcamps with their kids, meaning a weekend is devoted to -- all plans cancelled -- to just get the job done. 

This is where I fail miserably. My oldest son was almost four before he was finally potty-trained, and my M-man was potty-trained basically because of an awesome preschool teacher at his last school (no, not the pervy nutbag one I've posted about, but a different one who is really awesome). I will make a good effort, and then get distracted or just temporarily give up. I am lazy that way.

So today we got home from church and I sat her on the potty, figuring OK, let's try again. And if you've read this far in my blog about potty-training, then you will just have to now read that she surprised me with her first big poop on the potty! Oh happy potty dance! 

So, I may not be winning any potty-training awards any time soon. But my little princess can poop in the potty like a champ! But she's going to wear a pullup the rest of the day.

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