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After years of sloth, I am now a mama who runs and practices yoga. I write about exercise; parenting a grownup child as well as two little kids; and whatever is annoying me at the moment.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Omg my dad is 70

My father may write me out of the will for this blog post's headline. Sorry Dad!!

Last week, as all weeks seem to be, was nutso busy. Run, kids, work, kids, eat dinner, collapse, repeat. Every parent knows the words to this song.

Last week felt slightly more nutso. I found myself scurrying one evening to my car from the train stop, wanting to get home as quickly as possible to get some quality time in with M-man and Sweetpea. (Well actually that is every night...)

As I hurried along the sidewalk I remembered my dad's birthday was the next day. Guiltily I hoped he wouldn't think I was lame for sending him a last-minute Amazon gift card. Then I stopped right in the sidewalk. I realized he was turning 70! How could that be?

I have very young parents. They were just 25 and 20 when I was born. When my dad left me at college the first time my freshman year, I remember seeing other kids with what appeared to be their grandparents -- it took me a bit to realize oh, those are parents! My parents were so young by comparison.

Lately some friends have lost their parents. I pretend my parents are going to be around forever.

Even though I space off their birthdays until the last minute.

My dad is such an amazing guy. Though he's grayed and does old guy things like grump about what time the mailman delivers his mail and watch golf on TV (okay I think he has always done that) I so often think of him in one of two ways -- wearing a white undershirt, as he often did on weekends when I was young, playing with us; or, as dark-haired in his Air Force uniform in his 30s, the picture of which I have on my fake fireplace mantel at home.

Sweetpea's birthday is three days before my dad's, on St Patrick's Day. She just turned 2 and is a blue- eyed blond bundle of love who is constantly in motion, which includes often plopping down in my lap or my husband's and demanding I or her dad read the Lorax to her.

We had a wonderful birthday with her. She ate pink cake. Her brother opened more of her presents than she did. She is becoming a daddy's girl more and more, often burrowing her head into her dad's neck. It makes me so happy, and I think is what in part makes me remember my dad.

We haven't lived in the same state for more than 20 years now. When I realize it was a milestone birthday I felt badly that I hadn't bothered to make a big deal and go home for it.

But, I'm planning to see him next month. Hopefully I can give a proper birthday hug to him at that time. Love you Dad!


  1. What an awesome blog post! ~ Laura (Sage) Blair

  2. Laura Sage as in eighth grade Laura Sage???

  3. Thats me - band - me on Pease Drive in Bellevue - you on Ellsworth St (?) - Mike Ryan - Lol! Email me at sage1029 at hotmail sometime! Would love to catch up!
