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After years of sloth, I am now a mama who runs and practices yoga. I write about exercise; parenting a grownup child as well as two little kids; and whatever is annoying me at the moment.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Marathon madness -- running an indoor marathon

I've run a few marathons. I think besides the sheer physical demands, the hardest part (for me) has been the mental part -- being able to stick with it mentally when your body is just wearing out, your arms are heavy, your legs are like columns of cement, and any sip of Gatorade or bite of whatever chew/fuel you're into just makes your stomach lurch.

But at least there's scenery, right? Though my last marathons were in less scenic places like Rockford, there was at least *something* to look at. Now comes a new trend of indoor marathons, as described in this Wall Street Journal story.  This woman in the top of the story ran around a track of (I think?) a third-mile long 150 times. The new challenge is tackling the boredom.

As bizarre as it sounds, there is a small part of my crazy brain that thinks, hmmmm. If I could do one of *those*, maybe my next marathon wouldn't seem so hard, mentally?

Running friends, would you do one of these?

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