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After years of sloth, I am now a mama who runs and practices yoga. I write about exercise; parenting a grownup child as well as two little kids; and whatever is annoying me at the moment.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Running like a mama in Runner's World October issue!

I'm super excited to see on the cover of Runner's World "Fit Mamas: Running Through Pregnancy With Kara Goucher, Paula Radcliffe & Carrie Tollefson" (Carrie had a baby in April of this year, is on the cover and looks amazing.) Paula had a huge comeback after her first pregnancy and it's been awesome to follow her.

When I was pregnant with the little toddler man, born in April of 2009, I was lucky to be healthy and able to run into the beginning of my third trimester. (Never mind the strange looks I got at the gym that winter while on a treadmill -- I joked to my husband often that those folks were probably trying to decide whether to call 911 or not, LOL)

And I swear by the benefits of being able to continue running and cross-training during that pregnancy. I bounced back and lost all of the baby weight within months, and PR'd at every race distance post-partum except marathons -- 5k, 10k, 10-mile and half marathon. And I was 41, not exactly a spring chicken. With my oldest son, I was 24 when I delivered him. I didn't exercise then and ate like pooh. I had a tough pregnancy, a brutal delivery and a long comeback. I can't prove that running created all the right conditions for my comeback the second time around, but it certainly played a large part. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Argh. As an athlete and new mom trying desperately to find the time to claw my way back to some kind of fitness, I find all these articles depressing, not inspiring. I'm really happy for all the women who came back faster than ever. But not me. I'm not sure why, and I'm jealous. I did get benched at 20 weeks from running, I did exercise -- biked and swam -- up until I delivered. And I started running again as soon as my doctor cleared me to. Whenever I hear about a new mom that's faster than ever, I find it discouraging, not encouraging. It's even more pressure.
