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After years of sloth, I am now a mama who runs and practices yoga. I write about exercise; parenting a grownup child as well as two little kids; and whatever is annoying me at the moment.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

You have big arms, big tummy, big wegs... and big shoulders!

The title of this post is courtesy of my 2 1/2-year-old daughter. Who still, adorably, makes the "w" sound in place of "l" sounds. Sometimes I wish I could freeze her -- just the way she is.

My little M-man, too. He is a handful, as always. But conversation with a 4 1/2-year-old boy can be a lot of fun. He makes some really good observations: "Mommy, Darth Vader is a bad guy." "We kill ants only if they're in the house." "Mommy, monsters are just pre-tend."

Or one of our recent favorites: "Would you like some candy?" When we respond affirmatively, he says "What do you say?" We according response with "please" -- we're pushing the pleases and thank yous hard right now with both little ones.His response? "I CANT' HEAR YOU!" So funny!!

M-man has settled into his new school. His teachers are awesome and he appears to be exactly where he needs to be and with the right teachers -- ones who can handle wild boys. Yay! It makes me so happy.

One of his teachers told my husband this week that M-man is "brilliant". Twice. This was after acting up in class and throwing a major tantrum that included ripping some book pages. His homework this weekend: tape up the book. Beaming? Oh yes, I am. He has already completed his task.

The other day I dropped him off at school after a challenging morning of getting ready, and let the teacher know that it had been a little rough going. She said "oh, good, I love a challenge. M-man, say good-bye to Mommy!"

So, so happy.

I love a good challenge, too. Along with my big shoulders and big "wegs" I also have a big tendency to yell at him when I'm frustrated. So, I'm on day 2 of my self-imposed no yelling.

You know, he does seem to calm down faster and listen a teensy itty bit better when I don't yell.


Now, where did I hide those candy corns...

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