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After years of sloth, I am now a mama who runs and practices yoga. I write about exercise; parenting a grownup child as well as two little kids; and whatever is annoying me at the moment.

Friday, September 9, 2011

'Little girl' reporter defended by editor

» Romenesko+ | Poynter

Though I haven't been a full-time reporter for nearly five years, I still love to peruse journalism news and in particular the journalist must-read Romenesko site. This headline, "'Little girl' reporter defended by editor". My first thought was, really, this crap *still* happens?

I was called a "little girl" reporter, too, once. I was about 25 and a reporter in exciting Des Moines, Iowa. I was sent to interview a senior executive at a company that was moving its headquarters from Des Moines to Chicago. It was blatantly obvious that this exec did not want to talk to me or do an interview -- I think he was doing the publisher a favor or something.

I had very little poise at the time, and very little understanding of business. Which meant I got nervous easily and very, very rattled. The interview just went awfully. I could tell I was just not getting good stuff from the guy and felt awful at how dismissive and rude he was to me.

I came to find out later that either he or his wife referred to me as the "little girl reporter." The guy is long dead, the company long since moved to Chicago, but I'm kind of pissed off all over again after seeing this headline today.

Be careful -- "little girls" can grow up to be big girls who don't put up with bullshit like that.


  1. I was referred to as 'the door prize' once when I was an Enrollment Coordinator for a 401(k) company. I still shudder at the thought of the financial industry because of it.
