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After years of sloth, I am now a mama who runs and practices yoga. I write about exercise; parenting a grownup child as well as two little kids; and whatever is annoying me at the moment.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Reluctant yogi

It took a few years of trying different yoga classes and DVDs before I found something earlier this year that I actually like and would stick with. Basically, I find yoga BORING. I mean, really boring, like stare-at-my-watch-slow.

However, after starting running in 2005 and really running regularly by 2007, I kept getting knee pain, calf pain, IT band pain, etc. I did at least three running-related physical therapy stints. And I'm not even including all of the back issues that flared up since my late 20s. Those were even more trips to physical therapy. I tried yoga during these episodes, but boredom would keep me from sticking with it.

Finally, I found a wonderful studio around Christmastime that offered Ashtanga yoga and Vinyasa yoga. I like these classes because you move between poses more quickly, and it was more physical, meaning I get one hell of a workout. I can actually do real pushups now! And I wore tank tops this summer and felt good about my arms like I haven't in years. My back has forgotten that it is in its 40s. And guess what? My running has gone so much better and I've PR'ed in nearly every distance of race since giving birth to the toddler man in April 2009 -- I believe that with my muscles working more efficiently, my running is benefiting.

Though I believe yoga has been a big help, I haven't seem much scientifically to back that. So I was happy to see this story about steeplechaser and Olympic 2012 hopeful Delilah DiCrescenzo (above), who practices Vinyasa to keep limber. It just feels good to know that I'm doing something right. Good luck to Delilah!

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