About Me

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After years of sloth, I am now a mama who runs and practices yoga. I write about exercise; parenting a grownup child as well as two little kids; and whatever is annoying me at the moment.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

1,000 miles and counting...

Should you run if you're sick? In the case of this week's lousy cold and cough, sure, why not -- but best to run with another sick friend. My last two runs have been with my friend Andie, who must really be my friend to still want to run even as I have been the most disgusting running partner to have this week. I'll spare you the gory details of coughing fits and nose faucets -- let's just say she's pretty tough to horrify.

But that's not what I am taking away from this morning's great 10-miler. November has become one of my favorite running months -- it's cold but not that cold. Mornings are crisp. My running tights still have yet to make their seasonal debut. Turkey trots. Oh yeah. 

Upon completion of my run this morning, I hit 1,000 miles for the year! My best mileage year was two years ago, when I ran 900 miles for all of 2010. 

Sure, it's not really an amazing feat in the running world -- plenty of people run farther and faster. But I'm pretty happy about it. :) 

When I started running regularly in 2007, a guy I know from Oklahoma who runs told me he logs his mileage for each run and tracks how he does. I thought that was pretty cool. Two ratty notebooks later, the mileage tracking keeps me on target. (Yeah, I skip the online tracking programs. I also don't own a Garmin. I'm old school.) I also keep track to make sure I'm cross-training at least once a week. It keeps me on track. And I love the feeling of accomplishment.

Like today. :)

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