About Me

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After years of sloth, I am now a mama who runs and practices yoga. I write about exercise; parenting a grownup child as well as two little kids; and whatever is annoying me at the moment.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Race, race, race

It is ON in my house. I mark three months in my new, very busy job tomorrow. The kids are growing like little adorable weeds, with the little toddler man now 2 1/2 and moving and talking every second he's not sleeping -- or, lately, glued to Dora the Explorer. Baby C is eight months this week and is just the sweetest little thing, from the coy hide in mama's shoulder thing she does to her attempts to "share" the toddler man's toys. Little TM hasn't gotten the memo yet that he's not an only child.

We women wanted to have it all, right? I am blessed that I have gotten everything I wanted -- the challenging and fulfilling job, the beyond-cute kids and, oh yes, a running season that is inexplicably going fantastically. My hub can attest that I'm a tired grump at night, but I'm a happy grump, which only makes sense to me, probably.

Such is the busy-ness that I didn't even get to post a one-year anniversary of my layoff a few weeks ago -- because I was working off and on all that weekend. Appropriate! Love it. Who needs to read that deep insightful crap anyway.

I'm pleased to have managed to get three runs in each week, for a measly 16 miles a week total, but I've been somewhat consistent and I try to do something resembling speedwork on my solo short runs.

So I've stumbled upon, running-wise. I've done a half, a 5k and a 10k race this fall and PR'ed in the half and 5k! The 10k I ran with a friend and ran it for fun, so my time was no great shakes. Each time I didn't get a full night's sleep before -- thank you, little cutie-pies, and yet rallied for good runs. I have no idea what that is about. I've heard similar stories from other running mamas.

When someone figures out how that can be, please let me know.


  1. So glad to find another momma who also works full time and manages to run, too! I'm considering a marathon for next fall, and one thing that's holding me back is the busy-ness factor. Not sure I can do it all!

    P.S. Found your post on Twitter with #runnerds. I'm following you now. :)

  2. Thanks, SJ! I've been a lazy blogger and just now saw this, will be sure to follow you, too! :)
