About Me

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After years of sloth, I am now a mama who runs and practices yoga. I write about exercise; parenting a grownup child as well as two little kids; and whatever is annoying me at the moment.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Trim and bouncy

I just finished up my usual 5@5 Wednesday run with friends -- 5 miles at 5 a.m. on Chicago's lakefront. Our little group is growing -- we had six people this morning! Our lone guy friend, Vern, showed up last to a group of pony-tailed, yakking women and declared us "trim and bouncy." I like that! Best compliment we'll get all day, I joked. Before 7 a.m., I heard the Clash, Adele and Iggy Pop. How could I not be bouncy?

My kids are waking up so I gotta run. But I needed to share two things: if you want to try yoga, I have a great new DVD to recommend: "Element: Hatha & Flow Yoga for Beginners Kit." It has two 30 minute segments, a hatha one that holds poses and moves more slowly, but has great stretching and includes a belt to help you stretch; and my favorite, the "flow" segment which for a little 30-minute yoga practice kicks some pretty good butt. Love it and love workouts that are 30 minutes, since I'm always pressed for workout time in the morning. (P.S. yoga will make you trim and bouncy! OK, at least trim, anyway.)

Secondly, today is my first payday. As in, real paycheck. Sure, with a kid in college and two kids in diapers, it's more than spent. But holy happy dance.

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