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After years of sloth, I am now a mama who runs and practices yoga. I write about exercise; parenting a grownup child as well as two little kids; and whatever is annoying me at the moment.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

From good times to bad times

I don't really know why, but I can't resist reading stories about the labor market. My new job is great -- I love it -- and things are feeling more, normal, I guess. And yet. I used to just drive past the unemployment office on my way to daycare and the train, but now when I pass it, I always have to look at it. It's like I don't want to get too comfortable or something, like I need to remind myself how incredibly lucky I am to be working again when so many people are struggling.

This story from the Chicago Tribune today really resonated with me: From good times to bad times. For starters, a lot of news stories about unemployment suck, because they're written by hack journalists who've been working at the same job forever and haven't stood in an unemployment line. I say this as an opinionated ex-newspaper editor, FWIW.

So it was refreshing to see a story that didn't just quote a bunch of self-proclaimed employment experts who offer such sage advice as keeping your confidence up because it's easy to get depressed during a lengthy layoff. Yes, I actually read that recently in a local paper and I think I yelled at it. Yes, I yelled at the newspaper in front of me. Yes, I still read a newspaper.

Anyway, this story is about wealthy families who face extended unemployment, but could be the story for middle class folks, too, who are accustomed to being comfortable. The humiliation and embarrassment are real, and it gets to you after a while. I saw my dad go through it years ago, and then of course I went through it for 10 months until August, when I started a new job.

So, anyway, just sharing it. And now I'm going to go eat Halloween pumpkin candy, which I justify because I ran 11 miles yesterday. Oink.

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