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After years of sloth, I am now a mama who runs and practices yoga. I write about exercise; parenting a grownup child as well as two little kids; and whatever is annoying me at the moment.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Back to work!

I got a job! Nine months and 10 days since my Oct. 29, 2010, layoff, I will start my new job Monday. YAY!

Can I just say I have never, ever, ever worked so hard to find a job before? All that hype about a crappy economy and job market? Sad but true.

By my count, I did at least 13 in-person job interviews, and I count at least another four phone screeners (though I'm guessing that I am forgetting some now -- who knew my Google calendar erases crap after a while). I did this with two interview suits in my closet, one of which didn't fit after October because I was pregnant. I wore a LOT of large, strategically placed scarves, let's just say.

I never counted how many jobs I applied for online and either heard nothing or got immediately rejected. But there were a bunch.

Highlights and lowlights:

  • I had one interview where the guy was having some, um, stinky issues in his small, windowless office. That was awful.
  • I had a guy interview me three times, tell me I was his top candidate and then two days letter have his HR department send me a form rejection email. He was a putz anyway, but still.
  • I had three job interviews the week before Christmas, got rejected for one and the other two -- well, still never heard anything to this day.
  • I did three interviews at another place where I did really, really well -- until I opened my mouth and told them I was pregnant and due in 3 months. Never heard from them again. Would you have rather I waited to show up for my first day of work to tell you that?
  • I did have two instances of places where I interviewed at each several times, and someone was nice enough to call me and let me know I didn't get the job. I really, really appreciated that courtesy.
  • I interviewed for a job with the title "thoughtpartner". I should have known better.
  • I interviewed with one place and seriously, have had, like, five meetings/interviews with these folks since last August. They still haven't filled the position.
  • I had a guy ask me to send him writing samples, ideas, etc., which I did within hours of our meeting. To this day he hasn't acknowledged receiving them, despite my several, polite-but-persistent emails.
  • The Illinois Department of Employment Security office in my hood seriously has some of the nicest people working there. They were so kind and helpful with my unemployment.

I counted 17 revisions to my resume during this period. At least that many cover letters. I got better at cover letters, I think.

To keep sane,  I ran 400 miles over my layoff and did too many yoga classes and workout DVDs to count. I think I read about three books. Guess I could have been better about hitting the books!

But the best part of the last nine months? Having Baby C in March. She's 4 1/2 months now, grabbing toys and giving half laughs, half squawks to her brother, daddy and me.

So what got me here today? It started on a cold, January day. I was on a treadmill at the gym, depressed, so I was trying to run off some frustrations. I caught something on TV and decided screw it, I'd go volunteer. At least I would be doing something useful and hopefully I'd make some good contacts. I did. I have a job now. Had I not just been so fed up that day with unemployment (pregnancy hormones probably aided my frustration level, whistle whistle) I would still be trying to scrape my way in somewhere.

Thank you, God.


  1. yay yay yay!

    Congrats to a really hard-working, talented person!

  2. Congrats from Jan and I both Tammy! We were so happy to read this last night. Best of luck, and we hope to hear more on this new job soon! Give our love to everyone, and extra hugs to the little ones!
