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After years of sloth, I am now a mama who runs and practices yoga. I write about exercise; parenting a grownup child as well as two little kids; and whatever is annoying me at the moment.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wonder Woman goes for a run

OK, I don't really think of myself as Wonder Woman. I just liked the headline.

But I was thinking about Wonder Woman yesterday morning -- the Wonder Woman played by Lynda Carter in the 1970s show. That was one of my very favorite shows in the fourth grade. When I was little I used to debate in my head whether it would be better to be Wonder Woman, Jamie Sommers (the Bionic Woman) or Samantha Stephens in Bewitched. I'm pretty sure I discussed this -- probably quite seriously -- with my sister that it might be best to be Samantha because with your powers you could make yourself bionic or fly, but you could also make a cake appear if you wanted one, or make your mom disappear if she was yelling at you. Grade school wisdom.

Yesterday was my 43rd birthday. So I figured I would start it off right and sneak off to the gym at 5 a.m., after Baby C's 3 a.m. feeding and before she and little toddler man woke at 6-ish. The perfect plan. And whaddya know, it worked! But boy am I out of practice getting up that early to exercise. This will take some self-discipline to get back into my sunrise (sometimes pre-sunrise) routine.

I was being all sensible, telling myself I would walk on the gym track. But walking is boring. So I walked for awhile and just thought well, I'll try running a lap super easy. I haven't run in about eight weeks and not since giving birth.The track is 12 laps = a mile, so it wasn't anything crazy. I chugged oh-so-slowly around that track. It was hard, like post-partum runs are. My legs felt heavy and uncoordinated, my pelvis groaned, my insides felt a little jumbled, but oh boy, was my head excited. I alternated running and walking and eeked out the equivalent of a mile of very slow running. Yay! Go me and my 43-year-old self.

So what does Wonder Woman have to do with running? It's weird what crawls through your mind when you're running. Seriously, I have no idea why this child debate popped up in my head this morning. But there I was, mentally debating that again. I decided Wonder Woman was best because she had powers to overcome anything and she looked amazing with her perfect, hourglass shape. And if I keep running and doing yoga, I'll get a decent bod back. Which is what's *really* important, right? LOL.

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