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After years of sloth, I am now a mama who runs and practices yoga. I write about exercise; parenting a grownup child as well as two little kids; and whatever is annoying me at the moment.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Don't have time to work out? Sure you do... boot camp series kicks off here

In this story, I begin to follow a suburban Chicago mom who works full-time and has committed to a boot camp class and overall fitness goals in the new year. If you've never had the chance to take a boot camp, do it! They're tough, but oh boy, what a great way to get results quickly and feel like a bad mama. (And if you sign up for a really early class, like 5:30 a.m.? Super bragging rights at work for the day!) If the mama in this story can do it, so can you!

ETA: Added story here since link will expire.

Woman takes fitness resolution to next level

February 17, 2011
Last month, Pioneer Press Newspapers began following Jessica Kruswicki of Vernon Hills as she kicked off the new year with resolutions to join a women's boot camp class and exercise regularly. Kruswicki, 36, is juggling workouts with a full-time job and quality time with her 1-year-old son. Her goals a month ago were to shed about 10 pounds from her 5-foot-6-inch 160-pound frame and regain the muscle tone she's lost since having a baby.
Here is how it's going, a month later.
Q. How often are you attending boot camp classes and doing other exercise during the week?
I go to boot camp twice a week, and I really love the classes and the variety of exercises that we do. I always leave there feeling like I had a good workout.
However, since the days/times of the classes are hard for me to go to more than two times per week - due to my husband's work schedule, my work schedule and child care coverage - I am working out with a trainer through the Vernon Hills Park District once a week and using my treadmill at home one to two times a week.
Q. How do you handle temptation to blow off working out?
While I have not blown off class yet -- but considered it -- I have blown off working out on my own. It is so easy to have your couch on the right and the door to the treadmill on your left and after a long day, which one would you rather choose? I was just making excuses -- telling myself it was too late to get a workout in or putting my work first before my workout.
This past week I have not made excuses, gotten my workouts in and just kept telling myself that if you want it bad enough you have to put the time in. Even though it seems much harder this time around, I continue to tell myself that I did it before and know what it takes, so I can do this again.
Q. Has anything surprised you to this point?
The only thing that has surprised me thus far is the underestimating I did on my weight. This whole time I thought I was around 160 to 163 - maybe last summer I was but not after the holidays! - but I got on the scale and was 166! That's when I decided to join WeightWatchers. Joining a friend at WeightWatchers meetings will help keep me committed to it. I am just now starting to see a little difference in the way my clothes fit but nothing significant yet. I have noticed my arms and legs staring to lean out a little bit, too.

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