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After years of sloth, I am now a mama who runs and practices yoga. I write about exercise; parenting a grownup child as well as two little kids; and whatever is annoying me at the moment.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Last run report of 2011: it sucked but I'm still happy! 931 miles in 2010

I ran 931 miles this year as of this morning. My snarky husband asked if I could cram another 70 in today so I could get to 1,000. Haha, if I wasn't knocked up, buddy, you bet I would have made it to 1,000 this year.

Yep, I'm done running for 2010. It was my highest mileage year, woohoo! The downside of the run this morning was that it was sucky. I'm 6 1/2 months pregnant, overall feeling good, but man, this run was just tough. I cut it short to three miles and even that was hard. So this week to kick off the new year I'll try some run/walk combos and see how that goes. No, I'm not bragging and I'm not insane, though to non-runners I know I sound nuts. My little toddler man has his "lovey" for security and drooling; I have running, It's my version of Xanax or whatever "head" drug people take to stay even. It's gotten me through a very, very interesting year of family stuff, marathons, half marathons and job loss.

I must still be a bit endorphin-y because I'm feeling so positive today about 2011. I will find a job this year, yay, and will get to give birth to my daughter in March, my first girl after two boys. I will run unencumbered by a large belly some day, hang out with my very cool friends, hopefully travel a bit -- I love new year and new starts. And I'm thinking it will be a great year for my mom as she continue her recovery from a stroke. Go Mom, and Happy New Year's everyone!

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