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After years of sloth, I am now a mama who runs and practices yoga. I write about exercise; parenting a grownup child as well as two little kids; and whatever is annoying me at the moment.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day! No, really!

My husband loves holidays and birthdays. He loves anticipation of holidays. It's very sweet. And, a little odd to me. Yeah, I'm *that* person. I like holidays, sure. Just maybe not as enthusiastically. He thinks I'm a curmudgeon. Yeah, a little.

This week he kept mentioning mother's day. What would make it the best mother's day ever? I mentioned a few things. Top of the list is peace and quiet...

We went out to lunch/brunch on Saturday to a place that let kids paint flowerpots. The kids had a blast.

We hit our neighborhood's shopping district for Kids in the Square, where the kids got their faces painted -- a dog for M-man and a kitty for C-girl -- and play games. It ended with M-man announcing he did not like the cupcake at the cupcake store and smashing it (it's still edible, whew...) That infuriated me, even though that is the kind of behavior M-man has when he's overtired or overstimulated. Then my husband was frustrated with me for being so frustrated.

That's kind of how the rest of the day went. I could tell a lot of it was just me and my attitude. I've had trouble relaxing lately. When you're "on" a lot of the time, it's hard to turn "off", sometimes more than others.

However, by last night, with Thai food and a nice bottle of red, we cozied up with DVR'ed Daily Shows and Colbert and it was all good.

Mother's day began at 1:30 a.m. for us, nice and early, with C-girl howling in her bed.

She had barfed all over herself and her bed.

Daddy and I are pros at this. He scoops up the bedding and anything else nailed with kiddie puke. I cuddle and clean up the kid.

Then we crashed, all of us.

This morning I got up early. The house was quiet, the sun shining. It was warm enough to open the windows.

I felt happy, if a little tired.

I didn't even wig out that there was only two scoops of coffee left. Which I'm drinking. Oh honey...

C-girl woke up and said "mommy!" softly. I asked her how she felt.

"I just want to play princess castle, mommy."

Which she did.

Now she is playing with the flower vase and asking a million questions.

"Why do you have these flowers?"

"Why do they smell?"

"I'm blowing on them."

"Can I pick them up?"

"Why are they in water?"

"We need to buy more (sidewalk) chalk."

"Can we go outside?"

Happy Mother's Day. :-)

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