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After years of sloth, I am now a mama who runs and practices yoga. I write about exercise; parenting a grownup child as well as two little kids; and whatever is annoying me at the moment.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Lovey and Mr. Bear

As parents, my husband and I try to spend lots of quality time with the kids. A small but steady percentage of that is searching for my daughter's "Mr. Bear" and my little guy's "Lovey."

Here they are, safe and sound. That's Lovey on the left. M has toted him around since before he could walk. When C can't find Mr. Bear, it's an epic fail in our house.

Weird, but I am probably as anxious as them when they go missing. The other night my husband and I had our sitter come over and we went out on a date. (Yeah! Date night!) When we got home, N told us everything was fine but that Mr. Bear was nowhere to be found. I couldn't believe she even got Catie into bed. Hoo boy. Things were NOT fine.

I hunted that night and again in the morning. Later in the day, I was folding laundry in the basement and randomly thought, hmm, I'll just go in the bathroom and look under the kids' stepstool at the sink. No idea why that popped into my head, but there was Mr. Bear!

Thing is, C asked about 100 times where her bear was, but wasn't upset. I think I was more worried than she.

I just want my kids to be OK. I want them to be happy and feel safe.

Even better than finding Mr. Bear or Lovey -- we received a great piece of news this week from M's teachers. If you've followed this blog, you know he's in a new class and school this year, where they're helping him learn behavioral skills in the classroom. He is a super bright funny kid, but has struggled to function in group settings like classrooms.

It was our first parent-teacher conference. We knew from our daily brief interactions with his teachers that things were generally going well. One of his teachers has told us he's "brilliant". They both seem to like him a lot and seem generally unruffled by his shenanigans.

But we (at least I was) were nervous going in. I've just had too many "talks" with educators in my son's 4 1/2 years of life. Not all teachers and administrators are created equal.

It went GREAT. He's made progress --- which we knew. Eye contact is a big one. When I drop him off at school, he actually turns back more and more and looks at me and says good-bye. OK, he usually has to be prompted, but he does it. I freaking love it.

They're making progress with his outbursts. He has a girlfriend who he has discovered is fun to provoke by poking her until she shrieks. He has friends in the classroom. Etc etc.

The best news: these teachers have no doubt he is on track to progress to regular kindergarten next year. But if he needs help next year, he'll get it. That means he could go to kindergarten at our neighborhood school, if that's the route we choose.

We're so, so happy.

It's a little uncomfortable to admit my little guy has struggles. One time this blog was the target of a negative comment about his situation, that it was our fault. That's what you get when you put your stuff out there for anyone to read.

But you know, this is a happy story. About a little boy.

Who just woke up and is groggily asking "Lovey? Lovey?"

He's getting louder...

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