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After years of sloth, I am now a mama who runs and practices yoga. I write about exercise; parenting a grownup child as well as two little kids; and whatever is annoying me at the moment.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Just when I think I've got it all figured out -- my body says otherwise

I'm just about due with my third baby, as I've posted here many times. I've been really proud to start the pregnancy in the best shape of my life, and to be able to stay in good shape. I've felt pretty good most of the pregnancy, including running into my third trimester until 34 weeks (about four weeks ago) and sticking with yoga at least once a week, so I can stay loose and limber.

The baby's doing great, passing all of her tests with flying colors. She is quite the little gymnast. I, however, feel like I've been on a ledge off and on for a few weeks. I have sciatica -- which on bad days feels like the equivalent of a knife of fire shooting down my leg everytime I stand up, sit down or get out of bed. I am really hopeful it will all go away once I deliver. But holy moly, it hurts like a mother. I had a bit of it during my first pregnancy and none at all during my second one. Now I grit my teeth and hiss a lot. It's like someone is trying to remind me that no matter how fit or smart I think I am, sometimes you just gotta chill out. Pretty much the only exercise I can do now is continuing pre-natal yoga and I can waddle laps in the gym pool. Fortunately, my obstretrician took pity on me this morning and sent me straight to physical therapy. I swear, physical therapists are golden. I love them. They should be sainted, like nurses and teachers.

I am conceding to my 42-year-old body and going to head over to the pool  now. Good thing my teenage son, who happens to work in the gym's aquatics department, is off tonight. LOL.

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